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Lade regelmäßig mindestens 5 Artikel hoch.
Have been selling used items sucessfully online for sometime via various platforms- see my feedback for reassurance.
Items are usually dispatched the same or next day, but I do work and have children so sometimes unexpected life events happen that can delay this. If you need an item by a particular date, please feel free to mention this at point of purchase and I will let you know if I am unable to meet your request. Most of my items arrive within a week, but no seller will be able to guarantee arrival date unless they are delivering the package personally or paying extra for next day delivery at their cost.
I am very honest in my listings and always aim that the purchasing experience exceeds the expectations of buyers.
Buy more than one item from me and you will receive automatic discounts as well as saving on postage- more items for your money!
I like to do my bit for the environment where possible, so love the idea of re-homing clothes and items no longer used. I use any funds gained to replace clothes that we are selling guilt-free.
Allergy note- my items are from a completely smoke-free environment, but we do have a dog.
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